Monday, December 30, 2013

Why should maintain and limit sugar intake ?

Eating food or drink excessively certainly not good for health , and this is no exception with sugar . Sugar was able to add flavor to your food or drink , and is also beneficial to add energy . best apps for android However , if you eat them in excess, sugar can be a major factor in the arrival of the body's various health problems . Therefore , it is very important for you to control your intake of sugar consumed everyday .

There are several reasons why you should control the intake of sugar , and they are as follows :

1 . Increases the risk of diabetes
Eating excessive sugar can increase a person's risk for developing diabetes . This condition can occur when a person consumes excess sugar through a variety of food additive intake of calories , thus making it difficult to digest the food . This in turn can affect the function of insulin the body and cause diabetes .

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