Monday, December 30, 2013

Stop consuming too much sugar

4 . Decreased the power of vision
Eating excessive sugar can increase your blood sugar levels . High blood sugar levels are known to cause blurring of vision in your eyes suddenly . High blood sugar levels in people with diabetes also lead to swollen eye lens so that it can make the vision becomes blurred . In addition to limiting sugar intake and maintain , you also advisable to check your blood sugar levels as well as working on it to keep it stable .

More reasons to limiting your sugar consumption

2. Affect cholesterol levels
Eating excessive sugar can reduce levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and on the other hand can also increase the levels of triglycerides in the blood. get free phone apps for android at This in turn may increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, limiting the consumption of food or beverages that are high in sugar can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Why should maintain and limit sugar intake ?

Eating food or drink excessively certainly not good for health , and this is no exception with sugar . Sugar was able to add flavor to your food or drink , and is also beneficial to add energy . best apps for android However , if you eat them in excess, sugar can be a major factor in the arrival of the body's various health problems . Therefore , it is very important for you to control your intake of sugar consumed everyday .

the conclusin of egg yolk - all you need to know

Some of the above facts can at least give an answer that yolk also has many health benefits , as well as egg whites . awesome apps for android So a combination of both , or more simply be called the ' EGG ' , is certainly good for consumption . In fact , the egg is considered the " gold standard " perfect quality related protein . This is because the amino acids in the egg is the most easily digested human body . So , you do not have to worry about eating eggs intact without having to separate the yolk and white first.

Egg Yolk Nutrition Facts

In fact , there are some specific nutrients in the yolk which can improve overall health . Egg yolks are one source of food that is high choline ( choline ) , which is an important nutrient that is soluble in water . These nutrients are usually grouped into the vitamin B complex . more fun games for android at Choline is known to help preserve neurological function and reduce inflammation . There is also evidence that foods containing choline may help the brain development of the fetus when consumed by pregnant women .

Yellow Egg and Cholesterol

Egg yolks contain cholesterol is known to be high enough . Download free Android game However, the medical research community has learned that the cholesterol contained in food is different with cholesterol levels in the blood , where blood cholesterol have a close relationship with the risk of heart attack and stroke .

Yolk, do you really need it?

Eggs have no doubt the health benefits. However, not infrequently some people are reluctant to eat eggs, especially the yolk, the reason high cholesterol. Download well, hang on 3 at Unlike the egg whites are high in protein and low in fat, egg yolk instead away from the two, thus making his image was not too good for some people.

Do not smoke and avoid Smoke

4. Do not smoke and avoid Smoke
Cigarette smoke contains toxins that can paralyze cilia, fine hairs that line the mucous membranes in the nose and lungs. Cilia work to sweep out viruses and other invaders. Cilia also remove mucus from the lungs and generally work to prevent infection. Health experts believe if impaired cilia function, then one would be at high risk for lung infection.

5 easy ways to prevent flu

2 . Avoid touching your nose , mouth , and eyes
If you feel your hands are not sterile from germs and have not had time to wash it , then try your hands away from the nose , mouth , and eye. APK file download Flu and colds can be spread from the members of the body . If you cough or sneeze , try to use a tissue , not directly covered it with his hands . If not possible, use the inside of your elbow .

Tips to Prevent Flu / Colds

The rainy season is synonymous with an attack of influenza . Even so , do not know the actual flu season . Dr. . Roshini Raj of New York University Medical Center, said that many people are not aware if certain habits they may increase the risk for the flu. Habits such as smoking , infrequent hand washing , to excessive exercise are some of the factors that can cause a person to get the flu .